Upcoming Aquilae Concerts:

July 20-27th Flute and Harp Course at MusicFest Aberystwyth. Details are on the MusicFest website here: https://musicfestaberystwyth.org/events/international-flute-studio-with-lisa-nelsen/

It is suitable for lever and pedal harpists and you do not need any prior experience in flute and harp playing. Repertoire can be provided by Eleanor, so simply email Eleanor with any questions. The course tuition is £550 and bursaries are available for local harpists and international students, primarily. Please do enquire!! The accommodation is £315 for the whole week, on top of the course tuition fee, and is University halls accomodation. Ages 13-15 year olds need to have an adult staying with them, but 16-17 year olds will be accommodated together, with pastoral support. The course is also open to adults of all ages and the level required is Grade 7 or above.

Aquilae Flute and Harp Duo specialise in concerto and recital performances, alongside interactive projects and workshops. Lisa Nelsen was born and raised on a pig farm in Western Canada and enjoys an international career as a soloist, chamber musician and educator. Her recitals have taken her to concert halls in Norway, Finland, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Holland, Ireland, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, as well as throughout Canada and the United States. As a duo, Aquilae have been playing together for 15 years and have performed the Mozart Flute and Harp Concerto on many occasions. They specialise in romantic and contemporary repertoire with a particular interest in British and Canadian living composers. 
